
是Foundation部分,Microcontroller裡四個的部分的第二部分:Analog Input Pins





Analog Input Pins   類比輸入接腳


  A description of the analog input pins on an Arduino chip (ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328P, or ATmega1280).

  在Arduino晶片(ATmega8, ATmega168, ATmega328P, or ATmega1280)上的類比輸入接腳的敘述。



A/D converter   類比數位轉換器


  The ATmega controllers used for the Arduino contain an onboard 6 channel (8 channels on the Mini and Nano, 16 on the Mega) analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. The converter has 10 bit resolution, returning integers from 0 to 1023. While the main function of the analog pins for most Arduino users is to read analog sensors, the analog pins also have all the functionality of general purpose input/output (GPIO) pins (the same as digital pins 0 - 13).







  Consequently, if a user needs more general purpose input output pins, and all the analog pins are not in use, the analog pins may be used for GPIO.




Pin mapping   接腳配置


  The analog pins can be used identically to the digital pins, using the aliases A0 (for analog input 0), A1, etc. For example, the code would look like this to set analog pin 0 to an output, and to set it HIGH:




   pinMode(A0, OUTPUT);
   digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);



Pull-up resistors   上拉電阻


  The analog pins also have pull-up resistors, which work identically to pull-up resistors on the digital pins. They are enabled by issuing a command such as

  類比接腳也有上拉電阻,工作狀況完全跟數位接腳的上拉電阻一樣。  可以藉由像下面的指令被開啟(ENABLE):


   pinMode(A0, INPUT_PULLUP);    // set pull-up on analog pin 0 


  Be aware however that turning on a pull-up will affect the values reported by analogRead().

  然而,要注意:打開上拉電阻會影響analogRead() 讀取的值。


Details and Caveats   細節與警告(附加說明)


  The analogRead command will not work correctly if a pin has been previously set to an output, so if this is the case, set it back to an input before using analogRead. Similarly if the pin has been set to HIGH as an output, the pull-up resistor will be set, when switched back to an input.


  如果接腳在先前被設定成輸出(OUTPUT), analogRead 指令不會正確工作,所以如果是這種情況,在使用analogRead指令前,記得將接腳設定回輸入(INPUT)。




  The ATmega datasheet also cautions against switching analog pins in close temporal proximity to making A/D readings (analogRead) on other analog pins. This can cause electrical noise and introduce jitter in the analog system. It may be desirable, after manipulating analog pins (in digital mode), to add a short delay before using analogRead() to read other analog pins.


  ATmega datasheet 也警告了:不要在太靠近的時間( close temporal proximity)內,切換類比接腳,以在其他類比接腳上進行類比/數位(A/D)讀取(analogRead)。




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